Mom Thinks Dad & Daughter Are Cooking Breakfast - When She Sees THIS, She's Knocked Breathless

This mom comes downstairs to find her daughter and husband doing something crazy in the kitchen. This will shock you...

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Insurance Buying life insurance is like fixing a leak in your roof...

Fired Disney Employee Reveals What It's Really Like To Work In "The Happiest Place On Earth"

Two years ago, I had just graduated from the University of Florida, and decided to take a leap into the unknown and apply for a job at DISNEY WORLD in Orlando. To my surprise and initial delight, I was accepted, and so began my long journey to the “Happiest Place On Earth”. Or so I thought…
Working at Disney World may seen like a dream job to visitors, but behind the scenes, we are placed in shackles and forced to follow a very large and very strict rule book. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of great times, but here are 20 SECRETS everybody needs to know about working at Disney World…

 This may sound a little confusing, but when you are employed by Disney, you immediately become a “Cast Member”. Disney never refers to us as “employees” or “staff”, only by our first names – which are displayed on our badges. Rumour has it, this is because Walt believed it was way more personal. And to be fair, Walt was right.

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